and… we’ve launched!

Note: This post is now on the new Radiant Rumble site, where the blog has moved. After this post, Radiant Rumble will only be posting on the new website: Head on over to the new blog to read this post and check out the new shop!

Welcome to Radiant Rumble’s new look, website and super new online shop!

For those that haven’t been following along, here’s the backstory:

Once just a blog by Radiant Rose Creates, Radiant Rumble is now an online shop, complete with digital goods. For now, we have cards up for purchase, of which you print yourself – over and over again. There will soon be other products, but I am happy with this start!

For those that have been following, here’s the catch-up:

Last week I took a break from blogging because I was out of town, but also because I just needed a break! As you now know, I’ve been working on launching the new products and new site – and it was (and still is) a beast! I was feeling so drained and overwhelmed about getting everything together and meeting my deadline, that I decided I needed to do something to relieve stress and just relax!

I came to the conclusion that taking a break was alright.

I wasn’t hurting anything by skipping a week. Heck, I really, really enjoyed it.

But I also missed writing and sharing.

And now, thinking of new products to add to the new shop!!

But, since the launch is over (YES!!), I’ve got to say… I still don’t feel like I have it all together when it comes to my website and my blog, but I’m getting there.

And part of getting there has included a lot – A LOT – of steps and lists and things to do. A LOT.

Including a site move, blog move, adding products, and everything else in-between, I’ve also created a more cohesive brand.

Radiant Rose Creates is now just Radiant Rumble.

No more “Radiant Rose is the company, and Radiant Rumble is the blog.”

I know it feels like I’ve done this before, but this time it’s different. It’s not just about a better name or better site. It’s more about products, some about services and even less about a site that just sits there. I want and need my business to work for me, rather than me for it. I’ve been thinking a lot about “making my money work for me”, “passive income”, “do what you love”, entrepreneurship, doing something that matters… and this new site change is just a way I’ve decided to shift to try to make those things happen.

In a way, the “brand overhaul” (as I called it) last Fall just paved the way for this new venture. It definitely wasn’t unnecessary. I needed to go through the process of changing in that way to get to changing where I am now: more about my business working for me.

Another great reason for this change was due to my blog feeling stale. I think it started out that way, actually, and it got better at times, but for the most part it was just… bleh. The email update was… less bleh, but still bleh. The new shop opens opportunity for a wider audience, more exciting things to talk about, and the ability to run my business like an online store – which I think is what I was grasping at the entire time. I just needed to figure out how to get there first. And I did, all in due time.

I certainly don’t have it all planned out… I’ll have to admit my “hard launch deadline” was just decided on last month. And I’ve had the site for two… and the some of the products finished even before that. Funny how things sometimes don’t get real until the week or so before they happen. I really was freaking out about this. I actually didn’t even want to launch today. I wanted to put it off another week… But then I came across this blog post about how you don’t have to – and even more, probably shouldn’t – launch everything at once.

That put it all in perspective.

I have big plans for you, Radiant Rumble, and I just wanted to get them all done at once so that I could have this amazing launch where the Pinners would stampede and the Tweets would abound. Ha. I even felt overwhelmed just now from writing that crazed sentence. In a perfect world…

So, I narrowed it down to a few things that HAD to be done in order to give a proper launch for Radiant Rumble: logo, site, shop, cards. Lots and lots of cards. I’m still not done with the cards. But there’s enough to start with. I can feel my mind trailing to the millions (okay, hundreds?) of card ideas.. and then going off on to stationery, weddings, announcements… decorations, packets, bundles of joy… if nothing else, the fun will never cease. I just hope to create income while I’m at it!

Thanks to you, readers, I can do that. I have the opportunity. Take a look at the now-open Radiant Rumble!

Comment with feedback – this is my FIRST “official” online store. I did have a few products on our sister site, but nothing compared to this!

p.s. There is definitely a party in my head, even if Pinners don’t Pin and Tweeters don’t Tweet!!

and… we’ve launched!

Productive Things to Try Out During the Month of June


Welcome to the last post of the #ProductivityMay series! It’s been great sharing my habits and learning how to form new ones. As a last “hoorah” for this series, I wanted to lay out everything we’ve talked about in one spot, and also include some extra posts from other productivity sources.

Let’s jump right in!

See below for the list of Productive Things to Try Out During the Month of June (I know it’s still a few more days away, so you certainly don’t have to wait until then!!)


build a work environment that promotes creative productivity + radiant rumble blog#productivitymay + radiant rumble blog

#productivitymay + radiant rumble blog


#productivitymay + radiant rumble blog

#productivitymay + radiant rumble blog

#productivitymay + radiant rumble blog


9 Ways to Produce a Productive Workflow

#productivitymay + radiant rumble blog

#productivitymay + radiant rumble blog


#productivitymay + radiant rumble blog#productivitymay + radiant rumble blog#productivitymay + radiant rumble blog

And just for fun, since we talked about Creative Productivity,
here’s How to Get Your Ideas to Spread

#productivitymay + radiant rumble blog

Happy reading, watching and learning!

Like what you’ve read so far? Get it and more exclusives to your inbox every month, subscribe here.

 We’re launching a new service soon!

We’d love for you to be the first to know. Come aboard, and you’ll get the first peek at our new Digital Card Subscription Service. Sign up below if you want to know more about it when it launches!

Be the first to know when our Digital Card Subscription Launches! + Radiant Rumble Blog

Productive Things to Try Out During the Month of June

Let the Productivity Flow: Motivational Quotes to Kick Us Into Gear

Let the Productivity Flow: Motivational Quotes to Kick Us Into Gear + Radiant Rumble Blog

Since we’ve been talking about creative productivity (last week’s post), I’ve decided we need a bit of motivation to kick OUR butts into gear, and by that I mean what I like to reference when I need to crack the ‘ol whip (I’m only one that does that, seeing as how Radiant Rumble is a one woman show and all…)

I can make all the grandeur plans and try to vary very much; but if I don’t have motivation, then I’m doomed.

Of course there’s my ultimate motivation and purpose, which is to help people and to work for myself, but we all have those – and it definitely keeps the fire going!! But what about when you’re in the moment, day to day, and you just feel BLAH?

That, my friend, is where daily motivation comes in handy.

It’s all a battle of the mind, really, because when you want something, that’s usually motivation enough.

It’s when you spend hours, days, weeks – even years – building whatever it is you’re building that it can get stale, tiring and, frankly, motivation-less. Productivity falters. Your reasons seem like not reason enough.

Sometimes we all need a little something to get us through that moment where we forget our overall goals and purpose. Something to get us back on track.

That’s where the following pretty pictures come in. And of course, since we’re here, I’ll share my two cents about them and how they have helped me in the past. If you don’t get anything out of this but one thing, let that one thing be to save these images, and let them inspire you when you need them most – even if it’s not right now.

what you want is out there. go for it. + radiant rumble blog

When I found this quote I HAD to print it out, and not just because it’s spelled out overlaying a pretty wavy beach photo (I love the beach)… It’s just so true! I’ve carried this little 3″x3″ piece of paper around for the better part of two years, because I can’t let go of what it means. Number one, I believe it. What I want is out there. And number two, it makes me ask, “Why CAN’T I go get it?? Why can’t I run my own business? Why can’t I work for myself? Why can’t I (emphasis on “I”) do that?!”

Other people are doing it successfully.

So why can’t I?

Why can’t you?

We have to at least try. (click to tweet)

if you can't stop thinking about it, don't stop working for it + radiant rumble blog
I want to make this work. I want to build my own thing instead of building someone else’s. I want to be successful. The thought of giving it all up is just stupid to me. So I can’t stop thinking about it. Might as well not stop working for it.

I want to inspire people. I want people to look at me and say,

I want to help people. I want to get people to say they don’t give up because they’ve learned why they do what they do and why they are motivated to keep going. I want them to think more than enough of themselves to know that they can do the hard, dirty work that they are completely capable of – and be a success at it, too. I DO want to inspire people.

don't be afraid to fail, be afraid not to try + radiant rumble blogAnother one similar to that is the “You’ll only regret the workout you DIDN’T do”, and “In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take”. In this case, it’s so true. I mean, you can’t say, “You only regret the coffee you didn’t drink” (or can you?), or “You’ll only regret the projects you didn’t take on” (this can be both true and false depending on the case)… You get the idea. Be afraid not to try. Be afraid not to do something for the betterment of you, those around you, your goals, your business, etc. etc etc.

Be afraid not to take the jump. Don’t ever be afraid to fail.

Of course you don’t want to fail… who wants to fail? But if you in fact do “fail” (there are so many meanings of that word), remember that failing promotes character and forges the way to better ____________ (see above to fill in the blank) and more!

challenge yourself + radiant rumble blog

This is my ultimate go-to for working out. No joke. It just resonates with me. And lately I’ve been using it for upcoming projects, products, services and business in general. I’ve learned that I need to challenge myself, and you probably do, too.

I’m more excited about my work when I’m challenged, even if it is stressful and frustrating. Sure it may sound hard, and it may actually be hard, but really, a challenge is just a hurdle to get over – and once you do, you’re glad you faced and conquered “the challenge”.

So I challenge you now, to challenge yourself. Think about something you’ve been putting off, pushing back, putting away, skipping over – and CHALLENGE YOURSELF to do it now. You’ll only regret the challenges you don’t face. (click to tweet)

everlasting God Isaiah 40:28-30 + radiant rumble blog

“Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and His understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

The ultimate solution to any motivational issue is Christ. He provides all the reason we will ever need. You purpose in life is in His hands. Committing that to Him definitely moves you up on the motivational scale. He will cause you to flourish in the most demotivating of times.

Productivity and motivation kind of go hand-in-hand. You can’t really be productive without motivation. And you can’t have motivation yet be unproductive. It’s always easier said than done, so don’t forget to Pin these pretty quotes for later use… they really do come in handy!!

Let me know how your #MayProductivity efforts are going!! I’m pretty motivated after this posting, so I think I’ll get to work…

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We’d love for you to be the first to know. Come aboard, and you’ll get the first peek at our new Digital Card Subscription Service. Sign up below if you want to know more about it when it launches!

Be the first to know when our Digital Card Subscription Launches! + Radiant Rumble Blog

Let the Productivity Flow: Motivational Quotes to Kick Us Into Gear

Build a Work Environment that Promotes Creative Productivity

Build a Work Environment that Promotes Creative Productivity + Radiant Rumble Blog

Productivity isn’t always about lists and plans and schedules. Sometimes it’s great to be able to try something new, something different, something fun. It’s not enough to be a stick-to-your-guns planner and a devoted note-taker. You also have to be a “throw-everything-out-the-window-er” for a day. (Yeah, that’s a thing…)

So, here’s a few things that may help you get outta the box when it comes to plain Jane, boring ‘ol productivity:

Do It Like FB
Take Asana or Facebook, for example. They have “No-Meeting Wednesdays”, wherein employees do just that: There are no meetings on Wednesdays (it may be another day, even, but you get the idea). Of course, there are exceptions to the rule due to emergencies; however, consistently hosting No-Meeting Wednesdays provides valuable time for “making” rather than “meeting”. Sometimes all it takes is the K.I.S.S. method to remove the road block for free passage to getting things done.

I’m actually tempted to use this approach throughout the week, but with things such as “No Email Thursday” or “No Phone Call Friday” (haha, I wish). But seriously, how about an “Idea Brunch” with friends or a “New Products Focus Day” with co-workers… the list could go on. I’ve come to realize that it doesn’t matter how much you plan and schedule productive time unless you also schedule time to be free to do something creative.

Get a Makeover Like T+L
I recently received the latest Travel + Leisure magazine, and it’s all about Europe. One reason I like T+L is because I get to *actually* see and learn about places, Europe included, from my very own home, even though I’ve never been. (Of course it would not compare to the actual viewing of said places in person, however, I’ll take what I can get!!)

When this issue arrived, not only was I excited about the pretty pictures and decadent food I’d come to expect within its pages, I also noticed T+L recently went under the microscope. With a fresh look, an eye for modernism and a better user experience online (and within the pages, I’ll add), they are on their way to appealing to a larger audience – and they managed to come out looking even better than they did before. I’d be interested to see what the new T+L office environment looks like. They must have days where they throw caution to the wind and unwind, causing creative productivity to flow wildly.

Cross-Pollinate. Yes.
Since I only work with myself at Radiant Rumble, I can’t produce the following exercise; however, you may be in a position to play it out. Consider hosting a “cross-polination” workshop within your corporate office – or even with yourself and your clients (Just kidding… I guess I can take advantage of this since I do have clients!) – where you get to know the roles of others and vise versa. It’s really easy to get trapped into being productive only for yourself. But when you bring in those around you, and create ways to be productive for them, that could be where the productivity starts to explode. Suddenly you’re working for the greater good of others and the company as a whole, and you get to benefit from it all in job and in character. Win-win.

Vary Very Much
It’s completely amazing how a re-arrangement or a bit more sunlight can brighten your day. I don’t always, but I do try to move things around even just within my workspace to keep it fresh and exciting. Now that I think of it, everything is due for a change-up… I should probably do that this weekend! If I allow everything to sit and accumulate, it gets boring and can really suck the fun out of my workday – without me even noticing. It can get pretty drab when that happens! Maybe starting an “Off-Site Meeting Friday” is in order? (Even if it is just with myself!)

That’s Just Crazy
If that’s not enough, just get crazy creative. Which, actually, I would recommend doing anyway. Then again, maybe all it takes is dressing in a Hawaiian shirt and putting a smile on

#Try something different, even if you don’t think it will work. (Click to Tweet)

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We’d love for you to be the first to know. Come aboard, and you’ll get the first peek at our new Digital Card Subscription Service. Sign up below if you want to know more about it when it launches!
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Build a Work Environment that Promotes Creative Productivity

9 Ways to Produce A Productive Workflow

9 Ways to Produce a Productive Workflow + Radiant Rumble Blog

Just about every day, I have these grandeur plans of plowing through my work load and taking over the world. I always get myself to think, “I’m going to get a LOT done today. A LOT.” And then the day passes, and by the time I realize it’s time to make dinner, I’ve only gotten three things done on my to-do list of 27.

I know you all know what I’m talking about.

Those plans can be so deceiving when you merely think you’ll get all of these things done rather than have a plan to accomplish them.

See what I did there?

I think instead of plan and write it down.

Almost every time I don’t plan ahead, I get off track. Almost every time I don’t put something down in concrete, I create havoc for myself.

That, in the end, always shows me that a schedule, plans and lists are my best friend.

And hopefully, I’m here to show you that they may be yours, too.

For the month of May, we’re going to talk all about productivity. My last post was a nice lead-in for this one, so if you haven’t read it, you may want to!!

For this week, we will be talking about creating a productive workflow. It’s not always easy, and it’s hard to do ahead of time, however, putting some sort of routine and a bit of rules into place for yourself can be more rewarding than not.

For example, I’m definitely NOT a morning person. If I did what I truly wanted, I would wake up at 9am every morning. BUT, past experience tells me that I am much, much more productive in the morning. By simply getting up early (around 6:30am, if you must know), I already feel like I’ve gotten a jump on the day – even if I haven’t accomplished a thing by 9am but feeding my face with breakfast. Having a plan or routine and following it makes me feel like I have more day, more time, and more opportunity to get more done. Do I ever sleep past 7am? Every single weekend I can!! I just know myself well enough to know that waking up early during a work week can effect my whole day, work flow, and, therefore, productivity level.

Beyond the waking routine (brush teeth, coffee, breakfast, etc.), one of the first things I do is check my email. I don’t know about your inbox, but mine never ends! And I’ve come to realize that as a problem. There is no possible way to check every single email every day and still get work done. I may open my inbox to check one email, but then I get completely sidetracked by that sale or headline or follow notification. An hour and ten emails later, I realize how much time has passed. It’s insane. Does this sound familiar? I know we’ve all heard it a million times, but it wasn’t until I acted on the advice of others until I found sanity. I use Gmail, which gives me the ability to mark certain emails “important” so that I only look at those emails (at least most of the time) during work hours. This creates less distractions and less wasted time. All of the other “unimportant” emails can wait until a break or the evening, if I even want to go there then. I’m sure your preferred email provider supplies some variation of this system if you don’t use Gmail, so I recommend taking a crack at its usefulness. It’s not fool-proof, but it does create a much needed barrier between the two insanities.

Next up, you’ll want to get inspired or learn something. This can sound really minuscule or like such a time waster, but seriously, hear me out. I find that if I’m able to read something fun or educational that relates to what I’m working on, I have more motivation to keep going. It even sparks some creativity, and could help guide the project or task for the better. But, I’m also careful not to click too much… I could spend an hour wasting time if I’m not careful!! It’s so easy to get off track, which is why I love lists and schedules. I’m much more likely to stay on track – and get back on track quicker – with a list of To-Do’s in front of me.

Another great part of a productive workflow is management. All of the items in this post are all about management, but I’m more talking about the overall day. Sometimes things need to be switched up during the day in order to make way for the unexpected – such as going out for a business lunch or making way for a new idea that popped into your head. Just be conscious of managing your day (whether leaving the office or sitting at your desk with your phone buzzing off the hook) like you manage your work flow: Make time and room, but don’t let those things rule you; you must rule them.

What else goes hand-in-hand with a productive workflow? Social media. Can’t run from it now, cause it’s everywhere. I’ve learned that the better I embrace it for business purposes to work for me, the less I am ruled and distracted by the social world. I use Hootsuite, which allows me to schedule posts and plan ahead of time. Of course, I can’t do this for an entire campaign unless I already have my blog posts and other things planned, which is why the schedules of other things are so important (I know I keep saying this). When I schedule my social posts, I feel saner and I don’t have to constantly post manually. I would also argue that it looks more professional to have a blog and social media post merged into one campaign, scheduled around a launch date, so the audience sees the same material instead of random stuff that has nothing to do with anything. It all flows together and makes sense to my audience. This allows for more productivity (duh!) and more intentional posts.

Note that this step does not take the place of real human interaction. Scheduling merely gets your brand out there multiple times a day without all the manual labor. To combat this, I also schedule time during the week to interact. For me, the best time is in the evening, when I’m normally fishing for other things online anyway, so it works well. It’s never a set time, and it’s not always every evening, but I do have that in the back of my mind as something that needs accomplished every couple days or more. Don’t stalk your followers, just give ‘em some shout outs and move on!!

Finally, when the day is coming to a close, take time to recognize what you accomplished rather than focus on what you didn’t. It’s so easy to think, “I didn’t get as much done as I wanted to today”. Don’t. It doesn’t turn back time, and it doesn’t allow for relaxation so that you can turn around and do it all again tomorrow. If you must, take a minute to think about what you did, and why the other things didn’t get done. If it was because you were sidetracked and didn’t stay on task very well, then try again tomorrow. If it was because you really were working like a dog and just didn’t allot enough time for everything, or something unexpected came up, then you’ll do the same tomorrow.

To sum it all up, here are the 9 ways you can have a more productive work flow from the office or home (or both, if the two are in the same building!):

+ Have a Plan, Routine, Etc.
Side Note: The free version of Rescue Time works well if you need some help getting on track.

+ Ignore the Overflowing Inbox

+ Get Inspired/Learn Something

+ Make lists
Side Note: Trello App. Pretty awesome for this. Also goes with scheduling and timing and all that jazz.

+ Manage YOUR day

+ Manage that social
Side Note: The free version of Hootsuite is your friend. Just use it. You will not be so distracted by having to post something ever hour + you’ll be more intentional with your scheduling.

+ Manage Interaction

+ Acknowledge what was accomplished VS Fixating on what was not

This post also goes hand-in-hand with some other topics I’ve posted about before, including “effective-time” habits and goal setting.

If you need more help, just shoot me an email. And don’t be afraid to Pin this for later use!

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Be the first to know when our Digital Card Subscription Launches! + Radiant Rumble Blog

9 Ways to Produce A Productive Workflow

We can’t afford to wait for opportunities. We have to create them.

We can't afford to wait for opportunities. We have to create them.

Opportunity: An appropriate or favorable time or occasion.

When have you ever been able to look into the future and decide on an “appropriate” time to start your business? Or your blog? Or paint your house?

When have you been able to travel into the future and see that “favorable” time you so much want to believe exists – if only it would get here, you would know.

I’ll be the first to say that never has and never will happen to me. Sure, circumstances happen in which something you’ve always wanted to do can suddenly be done during a “more favorable” time.

However, when such a time occurs, we forget the fact that in order for that thing to be accomplished during that “favorable” time, you actually have to do it.

It won’t get done by itself.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the past four years with my design business, and the past five months with Radiant Rumble, it’s that there is never, ever, ever an appropriate or favorable time or occasion that you can predict is coming. There’s just not.

Which brings me back to the fact that if you’re waiting for an opportunity then you might as well watch grass grow. At least you’d be watching something happen!

So how did do you push through the wait and get going?

For me, I had to figure out that I was waiting, because I honestly didn’t realize it. I thought that since I had been thinking, and writing, and harboring ideas that I was making progress.

Don’t get me wrong, thinking is a very important part of the process.

But the other side to that is that I wasn’t doing anything with that progress. Every time I’d have one of my awesome (at least I thought so) brainstorming sessions, I’d set the work down and forget about it for two weeks. By the time I would get back to it, I had to refresh and basically restart.

It was a very ineffective way to go about making progress.

And I still find myself doing that same routine sometimes.

It’s hard to recognize when you’re the only one in the cycle and no one else is watching your back. That definitely comes with the territory of being the sole owner-operator, so I’ve learned that you have to be able to ask others and ask yourself the tough questions, research and learn.

I’m the perfect example of how not to start a blog… it took me a year of thinking and some help from Fizzle to get into gear.

And guess what?

When I finally started setting goals WITH end dates to launch, it only took a month. Literally. One month.

Now look where it is. Five months later, I’m still posting every week and I have an email list of 21 subscribers.

Radiant Rumble and the email list is right where it would not be had I not started back in October. (And even more than that, had I not created goals with end dates, created a content schedule, and kept writing and posting).

I wouldn’t be this practiced in blogging, and I wouldn’t be getting better at deciding what to write about. I wouldn’t even be taking the time to write or figure out how to market each new post on social media.

That’s huge for Radiant Rumble, and for me.

In order for your small business (blog, startup, whatever) to work, you have to want to move forward, make headway, and press toward your goal bad enough that waiting isn’t an option.

Waiting for opportunity is like waiting for grass to grow (yes, there it is again)!! You don’t know when it’s going to come, and it may never, or it may come all at once. You just don’t know. But acting – that you know will produce something, even if it’s the complete opposite of what you want or what you thought.

The bottom line is that something will happen when you stop waiting and take action. Period.

As unpredictable and uncontrollable as the future is, this quote gives the perfect reason why to not wait.

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.”
I hope this helps you to realize you’re waiting. I hope it helps you to decide to stop waiting now, rather than later.


Thank you for reading! Comment, share and follow for more. You can even get it to your inbox every week if you’d like.

P.S. Speaking of waiting for opportunity… I’m looking to add a new subscription service to the small shop really soon! #NoMoreWaiting. Sign up here to be the first to know about the launch!

We can’t afford to wait for opportunities. We have to create them.

How much of yourself to include in your brand + Bringing out the better in both (Infographic)

How Much of You to Include in Your Brand + Bringing Out the Better in Both + Radiant Rumble Blog

I hate my brand.

I don’t know what my brand is.

I can’t fit that within my brand.

My brand isn’t fun.

My brand isn’t unique.

If any of those statements ring a bell, you’re not the only one.

Since “branding” is now more of a necessity than an addition to any given company – or person, for that matter – it has become all too jumbled and construed into who is behind the brand rather than what the brand is actually fronting. Minus the big box stores (and even they have a fine line), branding is now considered to be all about you, the one behind the curtain. People want to know you, your name, your story. They don’t want just a brand; they want a face or two to place with the brand. They want to connect to and feel connected with.

On one hand, this is all too cool for those that have the guts and those in which self-branding works well for success.

On the other hand, not all companies or organizations can create a brand with the founder(s) on the front lines.

This may be for privacy’s sake. Or most likely due to the fact that not every company can survive on a brand based on any one person or group.

The question here, therefore, is, “What do I do if my brand is not, can not, or will not be based upon me?”

There is trickery and mastery all in one when it comes to a brand you create that is separate from your personal life. To cut to the chase, a brand can never not include those that make it. It’s completely impossible. Even the designer has a hand in the events that occur when creating a brand, whether recognized or not. They consult, ideate, and create what you tell them you want and what they know you need. Your brand is somewhat a part of you and those that create it, whether intentional or unintentional.

So the answer to the question of whether your brand should include you is this:

Your brand will include some of you, whether it’s a brand after you yourself, or after the company you founded. How much of you – how much you influence, insert, and impose of yourself on your brand – that is where the line should be drawn and never crossed. Not because you aren’t important to your brand, but because it’s important for your brand to be itself without you.

Think about it this way: If you want your brand to hold its own without your face attached to its every move, it is important to center your brand on something other than yourself.

Take a look at Lincoln. They’ve put a face to their brand. It’s not the face of the founder, or the designer, or anyone in the company for that matter. Why? Well, number one, no one at Lincoln is Matthew McConaughey. Let’s just get that out of the way. Number two, their face obviously wouldn’t do the trick. They chose someone already in the spotlight with the type of class they wanted to portray, and struck a deal. More complicated than that, but that’s the bottom line.

I don’t think everyone needs an actual face to pair with their brand; however, they need a personality.

Lincoln just so happened to score both, currently.

No matter what you choose to do to portray your brand – an actual person, (which is also in fact a personality) or merely a personality – make every decision a conscious one. Every move intentional. Every piece a reflection of your brand.

In order to do this, there is no cookie-cutter answer. Every brand is and should be different. Even if they’re in the same field, a brand must be unique in order to be noticed and profitable. They must have a differentiator. The road to figuring all of this out for your brand can be scary, long and hard. But, hopefully the following will make it a bit easier. I’ll share with you what I’ve done in the past to set my brand straight. You can also read this post for greater detail on the transformation, and head on over to my website to read more about Radiant Rose. If you need help, email me for support. It’s always nice to have someone to talk to that’s been-there-done-that!

brining out the better in you and your brand (infographic) + Radiant Rumble Blog

The successful brands that are centered on one person or personality have gotten there very carefully, strategically and intentionally. Decide which way your brand needs to go (even more so than the way you want it to go) and head that way – even if it means starting from scratch. It can be done, just ask me.

Comment if you have questions or additions!

How much of yourself to include in your brand + Bringing out the better in both (Infographic)

April 2015 Resources: 6 Of The Best, Recently Discovered Recourses for Small Business, Entrepreneurs and Startups

This week, we’re going el plan-o.

No images, no twitter quotes… just text and links.



Do you ever need some resources all in one spot on a subject without having to dig or fish through ads and annoying click bait? I definitely do! Which is why I find it so easy to search Pinterest or Google versus ONE blog or website. It’s either really nice to look at, or really easy to see the content behind the link. So why am I going all black and white?

Pinterest, on one hand, is very image-orientated. If it weren’t for pretty images, Pinterest wouldn’t exist. Google, on the other hand, does include some images (under Web), however, they’re more links and text that anything else. Since I’ve been-there-done-that with the Pin-Worthy posts (which I will continue, of course), I wanted to try a plan and simple text-and-links-only post for three reasons:

#1 To see what kind of response I would get (comments, interactions, clicks, etc.)

#2 To share the work of others without distractions, bringing you even more valuable content besides my own

#3 To give my readers a to-the-point article without all the fluff (I do like fluff though, in the right places!)

I’ve heard both ways can be very rewarding, so I wanted to see what happened when I tried it out here on Radiant Rumble. If it pans out, I may just have to do it more. Only time will tell!

April 2015 Resources

By Dave Ramsey, this new app may just help out with budgeting and finances for both personal and professional life. I’ve tried it out for only a few days now, so I don’t have a review to report; however, I think it’s going to be useful… Money is hard to deal with!

Featured in NY Times, Wall Street Journal, Good Morning America… Just found this blog a last week, and it has some great information and helpful tips.

Think you need investors? Think again. And talk about making your money work for you.

Founder of Virtual Staff Finder, the leader in online “staff-finding”. I haven’t listened to the podcast yet, but the blog has great articles on branding (among other stuff).

Blog, podcast, resources on… You guessed it, Productivity. That word may just become fun after you visit this site!!

Lately I’ve been going what seems a mile a minute, and I haven’t been able to sit and write anything that great! But, that doesn’t mean I’m not thinking about or researching for future posts. And actually, I feel like I’ve found more resources in the past few weeks than I have in the past few months! That may be because I’ve been able to take a tiny break from writing, or possibly because I’ve been researching things for upcoming topics. (In which case I haven’t taken a break!!) Either way, I hope this list is extremely helpful, and that you’re able to take it beyond just the task of reading. I hope it helps your business thrive and grow, no matter what stage it is in.

Thank you for reading! Send me your comments, and forward this along if you can!

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April 2015 Resources: 6 Of The Best, Recently Discovered Recourses for Small Business, Entrepreneurs and Startups

Forget The Elevator Pitch: Tips to Guide You Away from the Automation

Forget The Elevator Pitch (#ForgetTheElevatorPitch): Tips to Guide You Away from the Automation + Radiant Rumble Blog

Ever wondered what it would be like to walk up to someone (or vise versa) and sell them you ITAL without an elevator pitch? To avoid the blank stares, heavy pauses and typically long-winded answers? I think that’d be a win-win for everyone involved, don’t you?

Granted, the coveted Elevator Pitch has helped many, and provided opportunity when the pitcher wouldn’t otherwise have know what to say… But there is also bit of undeniably awkward, stuffy, possibly robotic verbal and physical action that accompanies an elevator pitch. To avoid this and still make a deal is every business owner’s dream.

Well, I’m not here to say that the elevator pitch doesn’t have its place, or that it is null and void.

What I am saying, however, is that an elevator pitch can help refine your awkward, stuffy and nervous pitch into a more polished off the cuff conversation. Then, and only then can you move on to the next step: Forgetting the Elevator Pitch (#ForgetTheElevatorPitch)

#ForgetTheElevatorPitch + Radiant Rumble Blog
This doesn’t mean to forget the entire process you went through, or to forget what you learned in creating your pitch; it just means to toss the actual pitch out the window.

But then there’s the question of what to do instead, right?

And you’re probably wondering why in the world I would tell you to just throw your perfectly crafted pitch away, correct?

What it all boils down to is one thing: being you. @rrcreates

Not the you that was made to force out the words of a rehearsed line (or paragraph) that goes by the name of “Elevator Pitch”.

No, the you that sat down, pen in hand, time ticking, in order to create that pitch. The dedicated you. The you that loves your business, wants to see it succeed. The you with communication skills, creativity, likability… That’s the person your prospects want to hire.

The only downside to this? Putting forth that you – the one that wrote, scribbled and scratched your way to character and lessons learned – only comes with practice.

Just like teaching yourself to form and memorize your own elevator pitch, you have to teach yourself how to use those same set of strategies (stay calm, fight the nerves, and just be yourself) in front of prospects – only this time on the spot, not from memory.

The only way you’ll ever gain the right customers – the ones you want, the ones that will respect you – is to be honestly you in front of them. They’ll expect nothing less than their first impression, remember that.

With all of that being said, you do need to be professional, and you can’t toss everything out the window…

To #ForgetTheElevatorPitch, below are a few pointers I put together (based off of creating an actual elevator pitch):

+ Forget run-on sentences.
How many times have you been asked, “What do you do?”, and then you blurt out your elevator pitch and it turns into dead silence afterwards? Giving away the whole shabang right away doesn’t do any good. It doesn’t leave the prospect wondering, which means they don’t want to ask questions. When this happens, the pitcher may be awkwardly awaiting a response, and the listener is wondering what to say or ask… based on the huge load that was just dumped on them. Awk. Ward. Leave room for questions, wonder, and interest.

+ Forget the complicated.
I’m a graphic designer, so when people ask me what I do, I say just that. Of course I could say a few other short variations of that, but why should I when those three words have been working? People usually express some sort of interest, whether by asking me where I work or what type of things I design. Either way, that’s all it’s really about. Cultivating a business relationship, or getting the word out about you and what you do, is pretty similar to a friendship: it can’t be rushed.

+ Forget the awkwardness.
This helps when thinking about what to say, how to say it, and when. When you forget the elevator pitch, it’s more about finding what you have in common with the person/people you’re speaking with rather than how much information you can shove down their throats. Not that all elevator pitches are terrible or stuffy – some people are actually really great at them – but they can be awkward if all you’re thinking about is how to get them to buy from you.

+ Forget the chase.
Don’t worry about scoring some huge (or tiny) deal that same day. Use the three pointers above, have a nice conversation, get their contact info, and do not think about how they could benefit you. Don’t chase them. If you strike up some sort of bond or something in common, contact them another day and bring it up. Start another conversation. Pretty soon, you’ll learn how you can help them, and maybe how they can help you, too.

This whole #ForgetTheElevatorPitch thing isn’t a new concept, it’s just not as commonly searched for as, “elevator pitch ideas”, or “elevator pitch tips”. BUT you can help me change that! (Haha, just kidding!) I will ask, though, that If you liked this post, go ahead and share it! Pin this for future reference. AND get more to your inbox, sign up here.

Oh, and Happy Easter! And April Fool’s Day!

Forget The Elevator Pitch: Tips to Guide You Away from the Automation

What I’ve Learned from the Most Recent Schwan’s Brand Evolution

Schwan's Brand Evolution + Lessons To Learn From It + Radiant Rumble Blog

Growing up, I lived in a neighborhood that Schwan’s food trucks frequented. I remember the distinct yellow truck, with the schwan on the side, and the “swooshy” font that spelled the name. I remember when it would drive by, seemingly every week, and when it didn’t come for what felt like forever. I also remember the excitement that came when it would stop in front of our house, and the “aw, man!” that occurred (out loud, too) when it would pass us up.

At times I thought the Schwan’s salesmen just came up to the door, asking if we needed anything, and other times I knew they were delivering an order my Mom had made. Either way, I always wondered why they didn’t stop every time I saw them. I wanted what all kids scream for… Ice cream!

I know that perceptions of time and actuality of events are sometimes skewed in memory from childhood to adulthood; however, one thing I’m certain of is that I viewed the Schwan’s truck as THE ice cream truck of our neighborhood. I think I remember an actual ice cream truck in our neighborhood literally once or twice, music and all. But Schwan’s? They were a childhood staple. They were considered the best, and I’d take the Schwan’s truck over a regular ol’ ice cream truck any day. Call it advertising to the true customer peeking out the window!

Fast forward to today (I’ve moved a few times since my childhood neighborhood), and I hadn’t heard of or seen a Schwan’s truck in years. I had wondered what ever happened to them, but honestly chalked it up to one of three things:

1) They went out of business.
2) Their trucks weren’t running around anymore because home delivery was a lost art.
3) They just didn’t sell well in the area I lived.

It really had never occurred to me to look them up!

Then one day, a newly branded Schwan’s truck pulled out of a neighborhood ahead of me while on my way home from work. I literally said out loud to myself, “Is that a Schwan’s truck?!” I was honestly surprised. Seeing that truck definitely brought back some great childhood memories, and a certain sort of pride that they’re still around – possibly making other children’s days brighter with ice cream, just like when I was little.

I immediately noticed a new truck design, and a new logo. Then MANY thoughts arose:

Why the new brand? They even changed the actual Schwan image on the logo. With the detailed wings. And the “shwooshy” font. Why change what was, to me, such an iconic symbol? What. The. Heck. And is that a different yellow, too?!

As soon as I got home, I Googled “Schwan’s trucks”, and found their new-to-me logo and truck wrap design, along with their matching website. I analyzed it, then decided to find the old branding and trucks from my childhood memories, and conducted a comparison. It was different, but it definitely was not the same.

Then the thought crossed my mind that even I have undergone my own brand evolutions, in the much shorter-lived life of my company. In all reality, every brand has to change at some point in order to live in this highly competitive world of capturing the consumer’s attention – and gaining results from that attention. It’s not that I expected them to stay the same so much as keep the nostalgic feeling created for me when I was a child.

Digging deeper, I found that Schwan’s was more than the ice cream truck I remember as a child; they actually own some well-known brands that are available in local grocery stores. I also learned that they’ve definitely had their ups and downs over the years. But the one thing that remains the same with the new look? Schwan’s is dearly keeping the tradition that brought them to life in the first place: Home Service Food Delivery.

Schwan’s wasn’t trying to create a new brand for itself in order to lose the customers it once had and follow a different path. Schwan’s rebranded in order to keep the loyal customers, and gain new ones, all the while forging the same path within the same market they had been serving since that life-changing delivery in 1952.

Of course, there have been other designs of the brand since opening Schwan’s Dairy in 1948; however, the branding I’m referring to is the two most recent renditions. If you’re wondering what the big deal is, see the transformation below.
Schwan's Brand Evolution + Radiant Rumble Blog

There are definitely lessons to be learned from this evolution:

#1. Relevancy requires effort and change.

#2. Traditions and values worth keeping require clear focus and determination.

#3. Great people equal great processes and products, which equal great results.

Schwan’s obviously wants to keep its doors open, doing the same thing they’ve always done in process. This new brand just means that they saw the need to update their image in order to stay the course, and it was most likely reluctantly done on some level. Letting go of the past and trekking into the future takes guts, but it’s admirable when done correctly.

If you’re older or don’t feel the same nostalgia from Schwan’s that I do, you’re not going to get the fact that I was pleasantly surprised with my findings. The Schwan’s brand definitely has reason to be proud of where they started, to where they are today, and why it matters to constantly “work hard, help one another, grow in every way, be enthusiastic and have integrity in everything that you do” (Marvin Schwan). Schwan’s probably wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for that mindset.

Now… Ice cream, anyone?

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What I’ve Learned from the Most Recent Schwan’s Brand Evolution